Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New tag :) woohoo

Oh I've been wanting to make this tag for awhile

it's from a freinds tut site called Chas ScrapnBitz whom

used to be a just a couple hrs away from me but has

recently moved to the other side of the world. Thanks Chas

love the tut hugss (click on tag if you like to get to Chas' site)

The Scrap kit used was from Sabre at The Quill and Parchment
French Harlem Awesome ty, check our Sabre's site here:


  1. Oh My! How sweet of you, Treasure. You truly are a sweetheart. I love your version of my tut! Excellent job hun! Thank you again! hugs always....I'll be back in Canada in less than a year I might have to come give you a hug. ;) ♥Chas

  2. Treasure :-)
    just stopping by to say hello, hope all is well !!!! big huggggggggz! and the tag turned out fab hun!

  3. Sweetie! I left you an award on my blog! Come 'n take a peek
